Gut Healing Bone Broth
Welcome to the world of nourishing bone broth! Whether you’re a culinary enthusiast or someone seeking to improve your overall well-being, bone broth is a delightful elixir that has been cherished for centuries. Not only does it impart a rich, savory flavor to your dishes, but it also offers a plethora of benefits, particularly for your gut health.
Maintaining a healthy gut is key to promoting optimal overall health. The good news is that bone broth serves as a natural ally in supporting and soothing your gut. Bone broth is made by simmering animal bones, typically from beef, chicken, or fish, along with vegetables, herbs, and spices. As it gently simmers, the bones release an array of essential nutrients, including collagen, gelatin, amino acids, and minerals. These nourishing elements work together to provide a host of benefits to your gut. It’s an adaptable recipe that can be made with whatever you have on hand. I’ve included two general recipes below but feel free to swap the spices, seasonings and veggies for what kitchen scraps you have on hand!
Chicken Bone broth recipe:
1 whole chicken carcass
2-3 cups vegetable scraps (I used celery, carrot, zucchini, broccoli, etc but use what you have in the kitchen)
1 onion, quartered
5-10 whole garlic cloves
Herbs of choice
Salt and pepper
1- 1.5 gallons water
Add chicken carcass, veggies scraps, onion and garlic to a very large stock pot. Add whichever herbs you’ve chosen and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cover with water and bring to a light boil. Once boiling, reduce heat and allow it to simmer.
Simmer for at least 6 hours but ideally more. I like to go all day as the longer you can let it simmer, the better the nutrient-density.
Turn off the heat and allow to cool. Strain and store to drink, make soups or freeze for later.
Beef bone Recipe
4-5 beef bones
1 zucchini, cut into big pieces.
2 onions quartered
2 carrots, chopped
1 bundle of celery, roughly chopped
4 in ginger
5-6 garlic cloves
Handful of basil
Handful of rosemary
Handful of sage
6 whole cloves
1 tablespoon whole pepper corns
First put the bones in the pot and cover with water. Simmer for 20 min and drain the water. Then add all other ingredients into the pot and cover again with water at least 4 in above and bring to a simmer. Let simmer on low slightly covered for at least 12 hours. (I like to start my broth in the morning and then turn it off before bed and let it sit overnight) Make sure to watch your pot and fill up the water as needed so it doesn’t get too low. Once its cooled, strain and store in the fridge for a week or in the freeze for 4 months.
You can also put chicken and beef together for an even more flavorful broth! Use what you have – after all, this is a great way to be sustainable in your kitchen!
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